13 Tips for Effective Landing Page Conversion 2018

Today we are sharing 13 best landing page optimization tips or landing page seo tips 2016. Our visitors daily ask us to write an article on how to optimize landing page for better conversion. So here on the very special demand we are going to share our best 13 landing page tips 2016.

Are bounce rates in your landing page making a fuss? Are you still wasting your precious time and investment in unnecessary PPC campaigns? Fed up with your bosses complaints about your achievements and median conversion rate? Don’t know how to cope up with these problems?

Well, you are not alone who stuck in these troubles! In fact, there is no lack of those online marketers who lose their lots of precious time and effort only in designing their website and still busy in emails, online ads and other outbound communications but they have no time in making their own landing pages. So today we are here going to share some of the best landing page optimization which can helps you in conversion.

What is Landing Page?

A landing page is just a page in which you have to drive on visitors by using your emails, Facebook Page or any other online ad campaigns. And these are the landing pages which can mean difference between your visitors turned into your customers or clients or making them bounce away. Check out this link to know how you can reduce your sites bounce rate effectively.

Simply speaking, the main aim of landing page is to engage them enough that they will be forced to take an action which might be subscribing for newsletters, registering their email addresses for new offers, downloading an ebook or buying a product directly.

13 Best Landing Page Optimization Tips 2016

landing page seo

1. Add relevant contents:

On the landing page, make sure you have added the content which is meaningful and more relevant to the content added in your email copy. Visitors can be confused if landing page content is different with your outbound marketing copy and the bounce rate can increase rapidly. This is the best and basic landing page seo tips you should keep in your mind while creating landing page.

2. Keep everything simple:

Information in your landing page must be clear and concise. Wherever possible, add bulleted lists which can hit the mind quickly. Three sentences are sufficient to communicate the point.

3. Be straightforward:

Landing page should be of high-quality for the marketing of your offered service or product. Don’t add advertisements and links for other webpage which can distract the mood of your visitors. Keep this landing page optimization tip in your mind while making landing page as its very necessary to be straightforward.

4. Stay focused:

One landing page should be dedicated to only one service or product. Never ever try to promote more than one product of service in same landing page.

5. Add facts rather than sweeping statements:

Always try to add facts rather than generalities. For example, buy now to get 40% off rather than just buy now.

6. Call of action must be clear:

Clearly speak to your visitors what they should do now. For instance, add buttons of “Buy Now”, “Click here to download”, “Enter your Name” and “Your Email address” and anything with bold text of call of action. This one is best landing page tips you should follow while making your product landing page.

7. Text should be readable:

Don’t only concentrate on artistic design. In addition, you should make the content easy to read. After all, they are the words which can sell your product.

8. Don’t use navigational links:

Don’t give your visitors any reason due to which your visitors can bounce away without taking any action. In this way, avoid the use of navigational links, if it is possible for you.

9. Don’t add too much images and graphical effects:

If you are commencing a business which needs audio and video introduction for presentation, try to add visual effectsas less as you can. Again, only words can make your business productive. Graphics and images are supporting contents to ease communication. That’s it! This is the one of the necessary landing page seo tips you should keep in your mind when you are going to build landing page.

10. Strictly avoid spelling and grammatical mistakes:

First impression counts here a lot! Visitors never make business with amateur or slapdash organization. Grammatical and spelling mistakes are the killers of your sale. So, edit them carefully.

11. Take it personally:

If you can, make your test personal to interact with your potential clients. In this way, you can add lots of “you” and “your” in the content.

12. Text should be clear and easy to understand:

Don’t use jargon and colloquialism which are the evils of your all marketing efforts. In this way, you can use easy-to-understand phrases and terms. Sentences should be short and phrases should be in active voice. This is the necessary landing page optimization tip you should follow.

13. Add contact details:

Legitimate and genuine businesses have one common sign which is contact details including office address, contact no and email address. People who love your offer and those who are quite uncomfortable with online business, contact details can generate image of secure business with you.
Bottom Line:
When a bad landing page is the evil of all marketing efforts of the business owners, a well-designed landing page can boost up conversion rate and appreciate your efforts in landing page optimization. It doesn’t matter you have non-profit organization, small business or a political campaign, an effective and appealing landing page is the power of your marketing efforts. We hope you all like this landing page optimization tips 2016. You can share it with your friends on social media. Click below on your favourite social media sites and share this wonderful landing page tips with all. Bookmark this page to get more updates on landing page seo optimization tips 2016.


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