Here I introduce You to a truly amazing
site that allows to making money from the
internet. Only that this is not "another *
BUX *", which will lie. Although, in the
Internet wrote that from this site are
earn money by watching ads - this is not
true! Below You will find out exactly
what it is.
Steps To Earn Big Money On Paidverts
1. Goto and create an account:

2. Then fill in the necessary information.

Carefully read "Important" for the birthdate!
3. Press the "Open Account" and login.
4. After pressing the activation ad
This is Your profit!
BAP does not come from watching ads,
and by watching ads, BAP converts in real
So you need to collect more BAP!
How to watch ads?
In another case, you may see different
ads in value depending on how much are
you BAP:
If You Have More BAP, You Can Receive High Paying Ads
Click on "view bonus ad". Out the
following window:
After Watching The Ad Fill The Captcha Correctly Then Amount Will Added To Your Account
Start Earnings..!
It Gives Ads By Your Bap Group
The group are those:
1. Group 01: from 100 to 1600 BAP.
2. Group 02: from 1600 to 6400 BAP.
3. Group 03: from 6400 to 12000 BAP.
4. Group 04: from 12000 to 24000 BAP.
5. Group 05: from 24k to 48k BAP.
6. Group 06: from 48k to 96k BAP.
7. Group 07: from 96k to 180k BAP.
8. Group 08: from 180k to 360k BAP.
9. Group 09: from 360k to 720k BAP.
10. Group 10: from 720k to 1.5m BAP.
11. Group 11: from 1.5m to 3m BAP.
12. Group 12: from 3m to 6m BAP.
13. Group 13: 6m and up BAP.
Coming Soon
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