How to use Whatsapp Account without Any Mobile numbers [Best Guide]

Steps To Use Whatsapp Without Mobile Number Easily
1. First thing is first, Uninstall your whatsapp from
your smartphone.
2. And then download whatsapp again from play
store [This one is the important step in this Guide
whatsapp without number trick]
3. Now, Disable your messaging services means you
can enable Flight Mode.
4. Open your whatsapp application and type your
number. Then Whatsapp will not be able to send
messages to the server just because you enabled
your flight mode.
5. Here we comes to the main part. So, Whatsapp
will ask you to verify your number with alternative
6. Then Choose Check through SMS and then type
your email address there.
7. Touch on send button and quickly touch on
cancel button. [This step is required to stop the
process of sending]
8. Here is the Important step of this Whatsapp trick
started. Install spoof messages app in your
9. You can search it on Google play store. If you are
an iPhone user then install Fake-A-Message.
10. Then go to outbox and the copy the message
details from Spoofer application and send it to
spoofed verifications that is false verification.
11. You can use details in spoofed message: to
+447971674943 form +[country Code] [mobile
number] Message: Your Email Address.
12. Then a message will be sent to that spoofed
number and you can able to use this number in
Whatsapp and you can able to surprise your
friends with this Whatsapp without number tricks.

NOTE: If above spoof text message is not working
then you can use other apps. Just search on your play
store or App store.

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