By using this trick or method, you can automatically Confirm Facebook Group Member’s Requests. This trick is done with the help of JavaScript. This trick will also works for adding your Facebook friends automatically to your group. Awesome ah..? For using this method in your Facebook account just follow my simple tutorial given below. Here the tutorial starts.
Automatically Confirm Facebook Group Member’s Requests
Step 1: First go to Facebook >> Group Member Request Page.
Step 2: Then Open Console menu on your browser. Use these keys for opening it in your browser. For Google Chrome press Ctrl + Shift + J, for Mozilla Firefox press Ctrl + Shift + K and for Safari Browser press Ctrl + Alt + I and go Ahead!
Step 3: Now, press Esc button and paste the JavaScript code given below into it and press Enter key. Take a look on the above given screenshot.
for (i=0;i<elms.length;i++){
Enjoy guys!! Now every request would be accepted automatically. You don’t need to accept every request one by one. Hope this method makes your work easier and quicker. If you’re having any better trick than this, then make us to know it in comments. Kindly share this article with your friends and share your thoughts in comments below. Have some fun guys