Try to use Stumbleupon daily. Try to use midnight to get western visitors. If you promote other post. Then you will also get good response on your post.
- First you need to sign up.
- You can also use sign in through facebook.
- Just make a account and start stumbling.
- It will ask you to choose some categories.
- After choosing suitable category.
- You will see content under that category.
- Now read two to three post.
- Click on like or dislike as you think.
- You need to add a page to increase website traffic from stumbleUpon.
- Click on right under your picture or icon. You will see several options for example Help, Setting, ……., Add a Page.
- Click on Add a Page.
- Now a new screen will appear.
- You see Add New Page and some options below.
- Now enter the link/URL you wanna promote.
- Click on yes if page is okay to open. Note : Page should not have any 18+ content.
- Click on ‘Select an Interest’ and choose suitable category.
- Now add some Tags.
- You can also write some description about your link.
- Write the heading of your post in description box.
- Select the post language.
- Now last step click on Add this page.
Blogging Tricks