How To Setup Rss Feed For wordpress Blog Using feedburner

Steps to Set up Rss Feed for WordPress Blog using Feedburner:

This guide is mainly for those WordPress bloggers who are still using the default feed that is provided by the WordPress platform itself. Since by burning your feed with Feedburner, you are actually doing branding of your domain name or keyword plus you can also track your feed and email subscribers.

1) Open this Google Feedburner Official page, and login here with your Gmail email account. Here you will see on the very first page option to add your blog URL or address.

2) Copy your blog feed address, by default it is Simply replace“” with your blog URL to get your blog’s default feed URL.

3) In the next page, you will be prompted to enter your feed name. Here I will suggest you to keep this name same as your domain name. If your domain name is too large, you can use any short name for it then. For example if your blog name is TechNewsBlog, you can use “TNB” as your feed name. It completely depends on your choice, how you will like it.

4) Now in the last step, you will see a message confirming that your feed is ready.
Now, after you have set up Rss feedburner feed for your WordPress Blog. All you need to do is install feedburner plugin and redirect all WordPress default feeds to your Feedburner feeds. This plugin is very easy and simple to configure. After it is configured, it will take care of the redirection automatically.

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