SmartApp has come up with a new offer. Now get Rs 30 off on Rs 400 recharge and bills payment. This is an amazing offer from smartapp. Offer is valid for all users. Offer can be used only once per user. Offer can be used by airtel users also.
To get Rs 30 off on your recharge follow the steps below :-
How To Get Rs 30 Off On Rs 400 Recharge And Bills Payment At SmartApp :-
1) Download SmartApp From Here
(To get 10% Off on your recharge download the app from above link)
2) Open the app
3) Create new account
4) Initiate recharge of Rs 400
5) Proceed to payment page
6) Apply promo code – LOVE30
7) Pay the amount and complete your transaction.
Terms & Conditons :-
1) Offer is valid for all users.
2) Offer can be used only once
3) Maximum discount is Rs 30.
4) Minimum recharge amount is Rs 400.
5) Offer is valid for airtel users also.
6) Limited period offer.
Deals & Coupens