WhatsApp has luanches many new features Recently. Now WhatsApp Rolled Out New Update & Now users can use text formatting and users can send text in Bold, Italic and Strik thorugh!!
This feature is not enabled by clicking a button, Instead it is hidden in the app, and turned on by including certain characters.
The Version which brings the update of Bold, Strike Through and Italic are version from 2.12.17 for iPhone and for Android it is 2.12.535 respectively.
Download Latest Version Of WhatsApp Here's how to use them:-
• For bold: add an asterisk (*) before and after the specifics words : Ex : *hello*
• For italics: add an underscore (_) before and after the specifics words: Ex: _hello_
For strike through: add a tilde (~) before and after the specifics words: Ex: ~hello~
- You must have latest versionof WhatsApp Application to get this feature and yourrecipientmust have the same otherwise text will be send in simple format.
- If you did not get your text formatted yet, please check your "Google Play Services" version. If older, we recommend you to download its latest version.
Enjoyy New Feature!!