Post to Blogspot with Any Mobile Efficiently ~ 2016

Guyz many of us are Bloggers & we post to our blogs on regular basis.
But If we have Low-config phones like java Or If we use non-advanced browsers then we cannot post to blogs very efficiently i.e. using html tags.

Blogger Logo

Today I came with a simple trick to post via a link onto blogs.
Follow the steps:~

1. First of all Signin to the google a/c of yours which you used to create your blog.

2. Now go to this link

Blog Poster

3. Here You write your title & post & Click on 'Publish Post'.

Your Post will be posted in no time.

You can use all html tags like a, img, bold tags etc.

This is the best way to publish posts on blogs. Even I use this method for posting here.

RustamVeer Singh

I am a 17 year old boy living at Nizampur, Distt.Patiala (Punjab), studying in XII .


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