The latest insider preview build 14328 has added a new feature to the Windows 10 OS, which now allows the PC users to hide their email address on Windows Login screen. This is one of the most asked features as none of us would want everyone to know our email address when at public places. Some may even want to hide email address from everyone even when at home. Irrespective of why you want to hide email address on Windows Login screen in Windows 10, here is how you can do it.
Hide Email Address on Windows Login Screen :

Hide Email Address on Windows Login Screen :
- Note that this new feature is now only available for the users who have updated Windows 10 to the latest insider preview build 14328. If you don’t have insider preview build installed, you may not be able to access this feature unless Microsoft releases a new update including the feature that hides your email address on the Windows Login screen.
- Access All Settings / Settings by clicking the Start button. You can also access Settings from the Action Center as well as from Cortana/Search bar.
- From Settings, click on Accounts option.
- Under Accounts, click Sing-in Options tab.
- Under Sing-in Options, you will find a new option labeled Privacy.
- Here you will see a checkbox labeled Show account details (e.g. email address) on sing-in screen. By default, the option will be Turned ON. Toggle the switch to Turn Off it.
- Once done, close the Windows Settings window.
- Now press Windows Key + L. It will lock your PC screen, and you will see the Login screen.
- If everything went right, you will not see your Email address displayed on Windows Login Screen. That’s it! You have successfully disabled Show Email Address on Windows Login Screen.
- If you are not a Windows Insider and does not have the Windows insider Preview installed, then you need to wait until Microsoft adds the feature to public release. Keep checking for the new updates. The steps will be same when the feature comes to Public release, though.
- If you don’t know what is Windows insider program, then you may don’t want to be a part of it. For the information, Windows Insider program allows Windows users to install the unstable or less stable version of the Windows OS and Update before it is relased for the public. So that the windows insiders can test the stability of the update on their PC and report the bugs and errors to Microsoft.
- Windows Insider is a great way to get all the latest OS updates before everyone and try the latest features that are not available to the Public. But, it also invloves some risk.
Become Windows Insider and Get Windows Insider Preview Builds:
- If you want to become the Windows Insider just to give a try to the preview builds, then here is how to do it.
- Go to All Settings / Settings and open Update and Security.
- Under Update and Security, click on Advanced Options.
- Scroll down and find the Get Insider Build section.
- Get Windows 10 Insider Build
- Click on the Get Started button and proceed with the onscreen instructions. But, be careful what you wish for.
computer tricks