Hello Friends, Today i going you tell about this working airtel files free internet trick for all android users with open vpn tricks. You can use high speed 3g/4g with your airtel sim with this open vpn config files on pc and android mobiles. It’s also working with roaming sim. so, lets follow the below full post to use free internet in your android mobile and desktop computers. the below airtel open vpn config files working fine in tamilnadu, tested by me. all you need just airtel 3g/4g enabled sim. and nmd vpn client for pc. android users requires latest version of open vpn.
How To Use This Airtel Open Vpn Config Files In Pc :
- Connect your system with modem/Mobile with APN airtelgprs.com
- Download The Attachment of Airtel Open Vpn Config Files (In The End Of This Post)
- Install Nmd vpn and Put configs(or exact) Here (C:Program FilesNMDVPNconfig) in your system location.
- Windows 7 and Windows 8 Users RUN NMD VPN as the Administrator.
- Just Connect given server and Enjoy.
How To Use This Airtel Open Vpn Config Files In Android Mobiles :-
- Download and extract config in SD card.
- Go to Google Play Store Search for open vpn for android. Or Click Here
- Install Open Vpn in you Android device.
- Add airtel tcp 3G Vpn Config to open Vpn folder
- for username and password, just open zybermedia txt file in attachment and enter it.
- Run and Enjoy 🙂
Use this at only 0 Balance For Avoiding Balance Deduction issues. For avoiding sim blocking issues, use small 3g data plan in your airtel sim. if you have any problem with the config files comment below.
Tags : airtel 3g hack open vpn, airtel 3g vpn config to open vpn folder, airtel 3g vpn config to openvpn, airtel free internet openvpn.airtel vpn trick for december
Network tricks