How to Watch Youtube Video Offine Android

YouTube has recently added a new feature Youtube Offine Android in the YouTube app in which you can watch YouTube videos Offine without an internet connection. It’s Really helpful for android users to watch youtube without internet connection. You must have internet connection for watch youtube Offine in android. Google promoting it under the tag line ‘Goodbye buẳering, Hello YouTube Offine This feature is rolled out may be to avoid YouTube video downloads from third party apps.

It’s a very nice feature for slow internet users and some users who use only Wi-Fi on some places. They can just add videos to their YouTube application and watch it later when they are inaccessible Wi-Fi zone or don’t want to use internet.

Note:- Your android version should have YouTube 10.0+ on android and 2.16+ version on iOS. 

Youtube Offine Android:-

  • Open YouTube application in your android mobile. 
  • Search any of your favorite videos and open it. 
  • Select the ‘Offine button’, it’s on vertical arrow on a horizontal bar. 
  • Check the downloading process on the notiẮcations bar.
  • Remember that present only limited videos can be made Offine.
  • To watch your saved videos in youtube app, click on ‘Menu>Offine’.

Note:- This Youtube Offine Android feature only works with Wifi cinnection. If you want to use with mobile data, Goto Settings [ By Clicking Three Dots Option]. And Click ‘Offine > Add over Wi-Fi only’ & Uncheck it. its like downloading YouTube video and watching Offine. So you can’t comment on the video. There are also some limitation you can’t watch all videos Offine. Some video may be not available for Offine viewers. But most the video will be available with Offine feature.

 Tags : Youtube Offine Android, youtube Offine app, youtube Offine downloader, youtube Offine mode, youtube Offine pc, youtube Offine video path, youtube Offine video download, youtube Offine apk, youtube Offine app for pc, youtube Offine videos unplayable, youtube Offine, youtube Offine android 

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