Hi friends today we teach you that How to transfer youtube videos on another channel-2017 yes friends you can transfer your youtube channel with your videos and subscriber on another youtube channel where you want.many time you want to change your youtube channel but because of the uploaded videos and subscribers you not goto another channel.with this process you can migrate your youtube channel videos, all subscribers, comments, like and dislike, banner, links etc. on onother channel.now we come with your solution just follow below given steps to transfer youtube videos on another channel-2017
How to transfer youtube videos on another channel-2017
Step 1:Just goto www.youtube.com ang follow given below steps
on top right click on profile piture then click on setting button which was showing with creator studio
Step 2:
Now click on Advanced option in Account information
Step 3:
now in Account information click on Move channel to Brand Account option
Step: 4
Now you come on google app page and confirm password.Now you got option of move youtube channel.Now click on select desired account button
Step 5:
Now you see all brand account here and now select you desired account.Now click on Delete channel Red button
Step :-
Now you got two options MY CHANNEL (NOW),MY CHANNEL (AFTER MOVE)
Now you click on move button
Step 8:
now finally click on desired move channel button
Step 2:
Now click on Advanced option in Account information
Step 3:
now in Account information click on Move channel to Brand Account option
Step: 4
Now you come on google app page and confirm password.Now you got option of move youtube channel.Now click on select desired account button
Step 5:
Now you see all brand account here and now select you desired account.Now click on Delete channel Red button
Step :-
Now you got two options MY CHANNEL (NOW),MY CHANNEL (AFTER MOVE)
Now you click on move button
Step 8:
now finally click on desired move channel button
Tags:-transfer youtube videos,another youtube ,transfer youtube account,youtube transfer,transfer youtube