Hello friends tricks11.com know that now reliance jio giving good data offers with lowest price from another networks.now jio summer surprise offer will remove by TRAI of india but Reliance jio come with Jio Dhan Dhana Dhan offer.In this jio giving unlimited complimentary services like Jio happy new year offer.jio also giving a good deal with jio Wifi hotspot dongle this is a wireless broadband device of reliance jio.with this device you can connects 10 device to usse internet
Jio come a offer with reliance jio wifi dongle.With purchase of new Wifi dongle You will get 1000 rs free internet on this device friends yes this is true you will receive 1000 rs free internet with a new wifi dongle of reliance jio.The price of reliance jio is 1999 rs only and you will get 1000 rs data free with thid so the price of this device become only 999 rs per device
and company also give 2010 rs data free to who are replace their old wifi hotspot device
Network tricks