Facebook Social Toolkit Premium For Free

 Facebook tools are widely available online to enjoy facebook with more fun. Like these tools facebook social toolkit has a certain place on the tools. This toolkit provides a quick way to finish a lot of facebook hard tasks as easy. This toolkit was available for chrome users as an extension. Basically this tool available as a free version and premium version. In the premium social toolkit, You can enjoy lot of kinds of stuff on Facebook. So that I am sharing Facebook Social Toolkit Premium For Free here.

Everyone using facebook in the current world and spending a lot of time on facebook for liking pictures and sending a friend requests to all. So here is the tool called facebook social toolkit available for reducing your works on facebook. Yes, you can complete your all long works easily in a single click. This tool is officially available in chrome. But in the premium version toolkit, You can enjoy a lot of things to save your time. Read the features available on facebook social toolkit and download today.

Facebook Social Toolkit Premium Features : 

  • Unfriend all Facebook friends in a single click.
  • Post updates in all Facebook groups at once.
  • Post updates on all your pages in a single click.
  • Love calculator available for prank your friends.
  • Accept all pending friend requests in one click.
  • Group message to all Facebook friends.

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And there are many more features available in this premium version of facebook social toolkit. Follow the below steps and install it on your chrome today. This toolkit only working on google chrome.

Facebook Social Toolkit Premium For Free : 

  • Download Facebook Social Toolkit Premium For Free – From Here.
  • Extract the downloaded zip file in your file manager.
  • open the URL chrome://extensions in your chrome browser.
  • Choose developer mode and enable it.
  • Then click on Load unpacked extensions and choose the file location.
  • Here choose Facebook Social Toolkit and enable it on Chrome.
  • Finally, you are done, Open Facebook in google chrome and enjoy.

For use premium features in this extension file, Simply click on the login section and login with any details. Just write any random Gmail address and premium key. Then you can use all premium features for free. This is a cracked version and free of cost. So no need to buy anything for use facebook social toolkit premium version features.

You can use facebook social toolkit premium version for free of cost directly without buying it. This extension working in all google chrome versions. So that you can enjoy more features in facebook with google chrome using this premium facebook toolkit. This is 100% free and easy to use. So download today and enjoy more features on facebook.

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