How To Use Gmail Desktop Version On Mobiles. Gmail is the free email service by Google which is used by all internet users. Anyone can create a free email account for sending receiving emails. Basically, Gmail has two versions for mobile and desktop users for reading emails. But unfortunately, all desktop features not available on the mobile version site. For example, if you are creating any new account on some sites like Facebook and Twitter, You have to verify your account by opening the verification link. Gmail mobile version allows us to read emails only with the basic text version. No HTML codes are working like the desktop version. You will get only click here or open this link text in your inbox. At this time you have to use the desktop version for accessing all desktop features in your mobiles.

Sending email also has this same type of issue. Mobile version Gmail site can allow only subject and email section for sending the emails to your friends and others. But in the desktop version, you can use all features like adding attachment add cc, add bc, and many more. So here am back with this working method for using the desktop version on android mobile. You can use all Gmail features on mobiles like desktop users.
This process is very simple and easy to use. Unlike the Gmail app, you can use this Gmail desktop version method online. Working fine in all android browsers like opera mini and UC browser applications. You can view all inbox email messages incomplete view like desktop users. So follow the below steps and enjoy Gmail with more features on mobiles.
How To Use Gmail Desktop Version On Mobiles :
- Gmail has launched two types of desktop versions for access Gmail inboxes in slower or faster connections. Standard view and basic HTML version is the two type of Gmail versions.
- Login to your Gmail account on the mobile browser.
- Then open the Gmail inbox and change the URL like below.
- Open the Gmail basic HTML version
- Now you can view the desktop version in your mobile browser.
- Finally, send or receive emails like desktop users on your mobiles.
- In the basic HTML mode, You can access the old version of the Gmail site in any browser with a slower or faster connection without any issues. So here am sharing the basic HTML version direct link for access Gmail desktop version in mobiles. In this basic HTML version, You can use the Gmail desktop version without any crashes.
This desktop version working fine even slower internet connection. So that you can use this on your android mobile with any data connection like 2g or 3g. Also, you can access your all Gmail settings and other configurations directly on mobile without any hassle.
Enjoy the Gmail desktop version directly on your android mobile. Share this post with your friends and keep visiting for more updates.