Trick To Reduce Number Of Posts Count In Blogger Labels

Too many posts displayed in your Labels menu can definitely slow down your blog site’s loading time. This happens when you’ve already reached a high number of posts in your blog. The problem is Blogger doesn’t have a feature that allows you to limit the number of posts to be displayed on the list. Fortunately, here am back with a good working method to fix it...

Customize Blogger Labels

How To Reduce Post Count In Blogger Labels:

  • Blogger dashboard > Design > Template >Edit HTML.
  • Check Expand Widget Templates box.
  • Using Ctrl+F, search for expr:href='data:label.url'
  • There is more than one instance of this throughout the code depending on how many labels you have.
  • Now edit above code like below:

expr:href='data:label.url + "?max-results=5"'
  • Now Its Shows Only 5 Posts In Labels, You Can Replace This 5 to any number as your wish.
  • That's all. It shows selected Number of Posts in labels page

How To Customize Labels Page Result Title 'Showing Posts Under':

  • First, back up your template. Every time you attempt to make changes in your template it’s always to back it up first.
  • Login to your Blogger dashboard, go to Edit HTML, then press Ctrl+F / Command F to find this code:
  • <data:navMessage/>
  • Replace the code with this:
  • <data:blog.searchLabel/>
  • Hit Save.
  • Return to Edit HTML, then use Ctrl+F / Command F to find this code:
  • ]]></b:skin>
  • Copy and paste this code before ]]></b:skin>

  • Click on Save.
  • To add text to your label header, return to Edit HTML, then use Ctrl+F / Command F to find this code:
  • <data:blog.searchLabel/>
  • Type the message you wish to appear on your label header, such as:
  • You are now viewing my rants on:  <data:blog.searchLabel/>
  • To change the message color, font, or style, simply add the needed font tags.
  • <font color=”red”>Paste Text Here What you Want To Show</ font>
  • Click Save. Your new label header should now appear whenever you click on any of your post labels.

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