Whatsapp Beta Tester Features :
- Users Can Try whatsapp new features Before launch to all user .
- To Get Opportunity to get favorite features on new versions of whatsapp.
- Users can also give suggestions to developers
- Developers Hearing Your all suggestions to make whatsapp as user friendly social network.
How To become Whatsapp Beta Tester :
- At First Open play store in your android mobile.
- Click on the search, and search for whatsapp.
- Open whatsapp download page, Scroll down and Search for Become Beta Tester.
- Simply click On I’M IN. And wait few minutes.
- After the successful signup, update your whatsapp to Whatsapp Beta.
- Download Whatsapp Beta, which still waiting to launch. Developers are Still working in it.
Now you are Become Whatsapp Beta Tester. Now you can use all latest features as a beta tester and you can tell your suggestions to whatsapp developers, which you expect in new version. You can also signup whatsapp beta tester, without play store. just open https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.whatsapp/join in your browser. You must login to your gmail account in your browser, which you used for using play store in your android mobile.
Note : You may Face some Issues In Whatsapp Beta, Because Whatsapp Beta Is still working by developers and have some bugs. If you don’t want to being an whatsapp beta tester. Just Follow Below methods to leave whatsapp beta tester program.
How To Leave Whatsapp Beta Program :
- Just Open This Link On Your Browser – https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.whatsapp/join
- Select On Leave Program And Confirm.
- You Have successfully leave whatsapp beta program.
If you are facing any problem while follow above steps in How To Become Whatsapp Beta Tester, Feel free to comment. we will respond you soon.
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