How To make own website and earn money online

Friends everyone want to earn money from your home. Are you know that there are many ways available on internet to earn money online.Today every thing is available online. Are you know that you can earn money by making a website online and this is not impossible to make a website now a days.Today we teach you that how you can make website in simple steps.

Steps To make own website and earn money online:-

1. First of all decide website name .website name must be simple and not so large. which will easy to remember.

2.After slecting name check that someone already not take this name on website because two website with one name are not allowed. Goddady and hostgator are available to check your domain name. If name is available then you will pay to this doamain name from 100 to 1000 as your domain name 

3. after purchasing the domain name you need to purchase the hosting of your website this will also available on godaddy and hostgator which will amy be from 300 to 600 per month.

4.After purchasing the hosting for your website then you get a mail in your mailbox.In this mail you got the login and password for your website.With this you can manage c panal of your website C panal is the full control of your website.

5. Now log in your C panel of your website You got many option for different work of their option.For website setup in C panel go to software/service or quick install and select PHP Version then you got many platform for your website like wordpress,blogger,jumla etc.then we recommand the need to put domain name, user name and password into the wordpress. Then select on the install now. Then the wordpress will be install on your website.

6. Then you got again a mail containing username and password then using this username and password you login to the wordpress website and you can change the website look in this wordpress software and you can post on your website with this wordpress 

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