Hi friends today tricks11.com come with great news for job seekers.Yes facebook will starts to search a job worldwide for you.facebook is a big portal where billions people come daily and you should also know about these intresting facts There are many job portal's are available on internet and in these many are famous some of these are free of cost and some are paid also. But now facebook also come with a new feature name 'Jobs On Facebook' .now you can get your desired job on facebook.On this place recruiters can directly post their jobs here.And jobs seekers can directly contect them and get their jobs.Facebook may create a big challenge to the linkedin with this feature.You can search a job and apply a job here with given below steps just follow given steps for search a desire job on facebook.So lets starts friends
How this feature works?
- First of all goto www.facebook.jobs and then a page will open as given below in screen shot
- Now in 'where' section put your desired place and in 'what' section put the which type of job you want like Electrical engg.etc
- now a list of available jobs will show with their full information
- then click on which you want and click on apply icon as like in linkedin
- then recruiter will contact you after getting your detail
- You can also share these jobs to their friends and relatives
Tags:-Facebook jobs,facebook jobs feature,facebook jobs2017,facebook jobs april 2017,facebook starts job offering,facebook new job feature,Now facebook will help you to get a jobs,how to search a job on facebook,how we get a job with facebook,how to get job with the help of facebook