Telecom service provider Vodafone has come tremendously for its users. This company has brought its postpaid users a name called Vodafone RED Shield. In this, the smartphones of the users are being insured. Under this, the customers will be covered up to Rs 50000 on smartphones. There is also anti-virus protection in it. It includes both new and old smartphone insurances.
Vodafone Red Shield Mobile Insurance:-
Download this app called Red Shield for Android users from the Google Play Store. Right now, iPhone users install it from the app store. After downloading the apple, write DSS and send it to 199. After this the app will test your smartphone and request the request.
Insurance will be Rs 720:-
Vodafone does not have this offer free. You will have to pay Rs. 720 for taking Shield Insurance. You can pay them by paying 60 rupees per month. The validity of this plan is one year. Under this plan insurance can be claimed twice a year.
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